Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My first card received!

For a while now I've been interested in joining Postcrossing, after I heard about it from a friend of mine. Ever since I was a little kid, I loved summer, because that's when everybody (or at least a lot of my family) would go on vacation and send us a postcard from wherever they happened to go that year. Maybe next time I go visit my family I should look for my box of old birthday cards, there may be a few postcards in there still.

Anyway, this day and age not that many people still send postcards. It is so much easier to shoot people an e-mail telling them they're still alive out there and having fun (or not so much fun sometimes) on their vacation. So in an attempt to sate my craving for more cards, I joined Postcrossing. (small update: sating the craving didn't work out that well, now one year later it has turned into more of an addiction)

I sent out my first 5 cards on May 15th, 2012. I didn't have much to report until nown, because of how Postcrossing works. Once you sign up, you create a profile telling a little bit about yourself, and stating the types of postcards you like to receive. This is just a suggestion of course, we don't MAKE people get you a certain type of card, just if they happen to have one that fits your interests, they can pick that one. Then you can request up to 5 addresses of people somewhere in the world. These addresses are selected at random, so you never know which country you'll be sending a card to. It could be to your neighbor, or to somebody in the Phillipines or Russia or any other place on this earth. You get a unique code for each address you request, that you write on the card. This is what the receiver uses to register your card once they receive it. At the time your card is registered, your address will be given to a random user of the site to mail you a postcard in return.

So here we are, two weeks later, and I received my very first card from another Postcrossing user:

It was sent to me by Brenda from Chilliwack, Canada. The picture shows the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Ontario. According to the description on the back of the card, they were built in the 1860's. 

I love how it has a mountie on it too, with my husband in the military I like cards with a military theme, or just some details that remind me of the military.

Let's see where the next card will be coming from :)
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