Monday, June 20, 2011

United States: Independence Hall

Today's card was sent by a 5-year-old girl named Ava-lea from Philadelphia, PA

The description on the back of the card reads
INDEPENDENCE HALL - Independence Hall is the location where the United States proclaimed Independence from Britain. On July 4th, 1776, the Liberty Bell rang out from the steeple, proclaiming the signing of the Declaration of Independence within this historical site. A nation was born
Ava, or rather her mom, also wrote on the card that the bell was moved from Independence Hall in 1976, and that Pennsylvania is spelled wrong on the Liberty Bell.

Now that intrigued me, so once again, more research was in order. I know what you're thinking, here we go again with Wikipedia. But no, this time I opted to just Google it (gotta love it when a noun becomes a verb).

It turns out that at the time the bell was cast and inscribed with the text "By Order of the Assembly of the Province of Pensylvania for the State House in Philada.", the spelling of Pennsylvania had not yet universally been adopted, and in fact it is also spelled without the second "n" in the original constitution as well as on the original map of the area that is displayed on the second floor of Independence Hall.

As of October 2003, the Liberty bell is on display in the Liberty Bell Center, where it can be seen 24/7 from the street. On every Fourth of July, at 2pm Eastern time, children who are descendants of Declaration signers symbolically tap the Liberty Bell 13 times while bells across the nation also ring 13 times in honor of the patriots from the original 13 states.

If you would like to read even more about this significant piece of U.S. history, I found all my info here:

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