Monday, June 27, 2011

Russia: Kyiv Bridges

This beautiful card was sent by Mara from Moscow, Russia:

The description says it's a bridge across the canal on Rusanivka embankment. That totally did not ring a bell, so off to research I went.

Turns out that even though this card was sent from Moscow, Russia, the card itself shows Kiev, the capital of  Ukraine. Rusanivka is a neighborhood in Kiev, surrounded by a canal and a tributary of the Dnieper river. That makes it look like an island.

The neighborhood was built as a "sleeping district", meaning there was/is no main industry there. It was meant to be a purely residential area under the Soviet plan. It wasn't even meant for people to each have their own cars! They figured it would be enough to have bus transportation and riverboats. Riverboats turned out to not be such a practical idea, so it ended up being just buses. As a result, there's very little parking, so most people walk across the bridges to catch buses or the metro.

I can see how this project failed a bit, there's actually plans for a living area in my hometown that's kind of like that. I really don't see many people buying a house in that new area in town. All houses will be built without driveways or garages. There will be a big parking lot in a somewhat central locations, where everyone has to park their cars, be it resident or visitor. It would be one thing to say they don't want visitors parking their cars on the street and making them park in the central parking lot. Annoying, but somewhat reasonable. But to have to park way out as a resident is going to be a major fail. Just imagine doing your grocery shopping for the week or month, then when you get "home" you still have to carry all your groceries two blocks or so until you get to your house. That's just all kinds of crazy. Pin It


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