Saturday, June 4, 2011

While I'm waiting...

It's been a few days since I got my first card, and I'm still anxiously waiting to receive a second one through Postcrossing.

Since I had nothing better to do, I'd been rummaging through some boxes in the attic looking for something I can't even remember what it was, I found a couple cards that had randomly been put in a box when we moved here from Texas. Gotta love how movers keep stuff where it's supposed to be at. I found the cards in a box with bedding.

This first card is one I remember very well. It was sent in 2006, and I was actually the one to send it.

Every year my parents would take me and my brother on a trip somewhere, usually within Europe (I was born and raised in Belgium, where my whole family still lives, I moved away after marrying my husband). But this year was my parents' 25th wedding anniversary, and with me being 21 that year, it would be one of the last times I'd actually be with them on the summer vacation. So my mom finally caved in agreeing to travel by plane (she's always been afraid to fly), and suggested a short flight within Europe to see if she was ok with flying. My dad and myself suggested to go to the US instead, arguing that if she didn't like it, she'd still have to go back home. We'd always talked about some day touring Florida. Me and my dad are big Disney fans, so we wanetd to go to Disney World, and suggested we'd do that in case she didn't want to fly again, we'd at least have seen Disney World. Apparently we made a good case, because they booked a guided bus tour around the state, and then we tacked on a couple days Disney World.

I was dating this really sweet guy, who is now my husband by the way, and sent him this card while on our trip. I got it in Miami, FL since that was the only place we spent more than a few hours and I actually had time to get a card, write it and get it mailed off to him (thanks to a very friendly receptionist who helped me get a stamp for it and put it in with the hotel's mail).

These two were given to me by my parents. They brought them back for me later that fall when they went on a weekend trip to France. I like them both, for two very different reasons. The second one because it shows the Christmas decorations in the town, and I'm a sucker for Christmas-y cards. And how adorable is that little kitty among the decorations???

The first one I love because of the memories that just seeing the town's name brings back. And no, I've never set foot in the town at all. You see, my parents are pretty good tricksters, and had told us we'd be going there on one of our summer trips back in 1994 (I was 9 and my brother 6) when in all reality we were going to the Euro Disney Resort in Paris, but they had wanted to surprise us. My mom especially was surprised that it worked, because every season I made her go to the travel agency to pick up the new brochures for Disney (yes, I was a Disney nut even at a young age) and would show her which attractions I'd want to do, which hotel I wanted to stay at and what restaurants to eat at. Well, that year I actually got to do all of that :-D

Last one for this entry. I got this one in 2009, also from my parents. It was the year after my husband and I had to move away from Belgium, and got stationed in Texas. Lucky for me, that's where he's from and his parents lived only a few hours away. I say lucky, because he ended up deploying to Afghanistan. This card was actually sent to me at his parents' house because I spent so much time there while he was away.

My parents traveled to Hungary that summer, and sent me this card from Budapest. That's one country that they traveled to that I haven't. It sure looks pretty there. I like the top picture where it shows the castle with the flowers.

That's it for today. Hopefully I get another card soon! Pin It


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