Saturday, June 11, 2011

Dog and kitty from Germany

After a week and a half of waiting my second "official" got here :)

This time I got a really cute card from Anja who lives in Bad Duerkheim, Germany:

The text on the card says "Ich bin stets interessiert, wenn jemand gut kuessen kann.". Anja was nice enough to provide the translation and a nice message on the back of the card:
"I'm always interested if somebody is a good kisser." Hello, This card will travel really far to make it all the way back to Germany. At least it will have seen some of the world. Happy Postcrossing, Anja.
 It does make it funny sometimes, when cards sent to me from Germany have to go all the way to the US, then back here to Germany. The joys of military life...

I really do love the card too. Cute animal cards like these are among my favorites, especially when they feature animals of the canine persuasion. We have two dachshunds, so cards with dogs and puppies go a very long way in putting a smile on my face!
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